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  • If I have a filter or personal property installed in the city’s irrigation box, will it be removed?
    Yes, the irrigation box with a brass valve is the property of the city. The only hardware allowed in the irrigation box is city equipment. If private hardware (filter, ball valve etc.) is in the box it will be removed. The removed hardware will be left for the property owners along with an irrigation box and a flyer explaining why the items were removed. It is the responsibility of the property owner to reinstall any personally owned hardware outside of the city irrigation box.
  • If my filter is in a separate irrigation box, will it be removed?
    No, privately owned hardware located outside the city irrigation box will not be removed. If a private irrigation box is too close to a city connection, the contractor will remove and reinstall the hardware as well as the impacted landscaping.
  • What size is the City's irrigation box before the new meter installation?
    The original city irrigation box is a standard size rectangle box measuring 14 x 19 x 12. This box was installed from 2006 to 2020. If your home is newer than 2020 then you may have a jumbo size irrigation box 17 x 24 x 12. If you have a smaller round irrigation box that holds the City's valve that usually means the original city box was moved or damaged at some point. These round boxes will be removed as part of the new meter installation process.
  • What do I need to do before construction takes place?
    Remove all landscaping within a 3-foot radius of the existing City PI box (typically the closest box to the street). This includes shrubbery, tree limbs, landscape bark or rock, etc. You do not need to remove grass around the box. Plant materials around the box (other than grass) will not be replaced. Avoid parking on the street during installation (1-3 days) as construction vehicles will need access in front of properties. Remove any hoses that are currently in the existing City PI box. Residents may later install a hose/spigot in their own PI box.
  • Why is the contractor working in the street when the irrigation box is in the yard?
    The contractor who is installing the new meters into the irrigation boxes is also contracted to work on the service lines that are under the street and connect to the systems on individual properties.
  • Will my landscaping in the installation area be restored?
    Yes. The contractor will restore the landscaping as closely as possible to pre-installation conditions, but will not be able to restore any flowers, shrubs, trees or other significant plant material that needs to be removed within 3-feet of the box. If an existing City PI box is covered by landscaping, it will have to be cleared for both the installation and for permanent City access. NOTE: Grass/sod around meter boxes may not be restored during winter months. The City wants to ensure the secondary water system is operating properly and the sod can be adequately watered by the property owner (weather permitting). For more information on when your grass/sod will be installed, please contact 385-273-1660.
  • How far in advance will I know when work will take place at my home?
    Residents will be notified 7-10 days in advance and again 48 hours before work is expected to take place.
  • Do I need to be home for the meter installation?
    No, you do not need to be home when the meter is installed.
  • Who will install the meter?
    Pleasant Grove City is contracting with a private construction company called HydroVac to install the meters. City crews will inspect the work being done, activate the secondary water meters and connect them to the proper utility account.
  • What if there is a leak at the meter or another problem with my secondary water service after the meter is installed?
    Please call and inform a project representative at 385-273-1660. A representative will be available 24/7 to work with you and the contractor to fix the problem.
  • What if I'm concerned with the active construction occurring in my yard or unsatisfied with how the work has been completed?
    Please call and inform a project representative at 385-273-1660. A representative will work with you and the contractor to resolve your concerns.
  • Will the hose bib/spigot in the City-owned service box be removed?
    Yes. This service box belongs to the City. Access to the utility box is restricted to City employees only. A new shut-off valve and meter will be installed in the service box. Any valves, filters or fittings that were in the service box prior to installation will be removed. If you would like to install a hose bib down the line from the service box, it will be your responsibility to do so and will need to be installed in a separate utility box from the meter.
  • If I already have a secondary water connection, is having a meter installed at my property optional?
    No. The City is required by the State of Utah to install a secondary water meter on every existing secondary water connection.
  • I was told that a meter would never be installed and/or that the flat rate fee would never be increased. Why are things changing now?
    A: Water availability, due to drought conditions and growing demand for water in Utah, has changed significantly over the last several years. The State of Utah has recently passed a law that meters are to be installed on all secondary connections statewide. Water providers who do not install secondary meters will face fines and penalties. Pleasant GroveCity intends to comply with this law.
  • Will I see new meter charges on my utility bill?
    A: Not at this time. The existing flat rate structure will continue until the City is entirely metered at the completion of this project. You will be able to review your usage once your meter is installed. Following the project, a new rate structure will be developed, presented and adopted in future public budget hearings.
  • Will my secondary water bill go up once metered rates are charged?
    A: Maybe. If you use a conservative amount of secondary water for your property, your bill could remain similar to what it is now. However, the size of your property and how much water you use to irrigate will be significant factors. More information regarding future possible rates will be established and communicated after the meters are installed and the City collects usage data.
  • Will the City charge me for the meter installation if I currently have a secondary water service?
    A: No. The City is not charging property owners for the meter installation.
  • Will the installation affect my drinking (culinary) water?
    A: No. Drinking water is on a separate system and will not be affected by installing a secondary water meter.
  • Will the secondary water meter affect irrigation water pressure?
    A: No. The meters should not impact water pressure.
  • What if I don't currently have a secondary water connection but now want one?
    A: Please call and inform a project representative at 385-273-1660.
  • I live in a new home. Do I still need a meter?
    A: Yes. Every PI connection will have a meter installed.
  • After the secondary meter is installed, will I be able to view my secondary water use data to show how much water I'm using?
    A: Yes. Property owners are encouraged to view their usage by downloading the EyeOnWater app and registering. For step-by-step instructions on how to register, view EyeonWater’sCustomer Instructions.
  • What information do I need to register for the EyeOnWater app?
    A: Please be prepared to share the following information: ZIP code, name of water provider, account ID and email address. For step-by-step instructions on how to register, view EyeonWater’sCustomer Instructions.
  • For registration, how do I find my account ID number?
    A: Property owners can view their account ID number on the "Progress Maps" page of the website. Users will need to 1) find their property using the search bar feature on the interactive map 2) select their property. Once a property has been selected, a pop-up box should appear with property information including the account ID number. For assistance, contact a project representative at 385-273-1660.
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